Threat Monitoring and Detection
Rapidly detect threats – both known and unknown, and respond before damage is caused.

Constant visibility is crucial
Can you identify hidden attacker behaviour across your NHS IT environment? As evidenced by increasingly sophisticated cyber-crime, traditional ‘preventative’ security measures are no longer enough to keep the cyber criminals out. Cyber threats are stealthy, acting over long periods of time, secreted within encrypted traffic or hidden in tunnels. NHS IT teams need continuous visibility of their IT environments to quickly detect and shut down these threats before they can inflict damage.

A robust threat detection program is required
There’s no magic bullet in threat detection—no single tool that will do the job. Instead, NHS IT teams should seek a combination of tools to act as a net across the entirety of their organisation’s network, from end-to-end, to try and capture threats before they become a problem and proactively take human action when something is found.
A robust threat detection program should include the following technologies:
• Endpoint threat detection – to provide a ground-level view of the processes running on a host and interactions between them.
• Network threat detection – to provide an aerial view of the interactions between all devices on the network.
• Security event threat detection – to aggregate data from events across the network, including authentication, network access, and logs from critical systems.
By employing a combination of these defensive methods, NHS IT teams will increase their chances of detecting and mitigating a threat quickly and efficiently.
Enhance endpoint visibility
Threat actors frequently use a network’s endpoints as entry points, increasingly breaching a network by leveraging network vulnerabilities at the endpoint. Combine real-time continuous monitoring and collection of endpoint data with rules-based automated response and analysis capabilities. With Endpoint Detection and Response (EDR) technologies, gain visibility across all endpoints and automatically detect and prioritise potential threats that other endpoint security measures may have missed. Quickly see where to focus remediation and identify which machines may be impacted. Spot patterns, behaviours and indicators of attack before a compromise can occur.
Increase network visibility
Gain comprehensive visibility into all network traffic across your NHS organisation’s attack surface, including behaviours in cloud and data centre workloads and user and medical IoT devices. With Network Detection and Response (NDR) technologies, automate threat detections through AI-derived machine learning algorithms to detect attacker behaviours in real-time for faster response and remediation and more efficient, precise threat hunting. Capture, analyse and enrich metadata from all network traffic within your healthcare infrastructure with context about an attack, relevant logs and cloud events for faster threat hunting and investigations.
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Let’s talk
With a consultative approach, let’s discuss your threat detection requirements in detail. We’re keen to work with you and find a solution for your needs.