Managed Security and Response
Amplify your team and elevate your security. Join forces with experienced threat hunters.
Do you lack in-house cyber skills?
Are your NHS IT staff experts in cyber security? Do they know all the latest developments, techniques, and technologies that guarantee safety? As the volume and sophistication of cybersecurity threats increases exponentially, as does the need for swift detection and containment of the threats to reduce the risk of a significant data breach and any consequent operational impact. Few NHS organisations have the right tools, people, and processes in-house to effectively manage their security program around-the-clock while proactively defending against new and emerging threats. So, how can this be addressed?
Can you better secure your NHS organisation?
When your NHS organisation currently falls victim to a cyber-attack, do members of your already overloaded IT team work overtime to get the affected services and security back up and running as quickly as possible? Do you lack a security operations team staffed with highly skilled personnel and resources? It’s hardly surprising given how complex, time-consuming and expensive they are to manage. Why not gain peace of mind knowing that you have an experienced team of threat hunters working on your behalf to detect and defend against cyber threats?
Partner with a dependable team of experts
Arm your NHS organisation with a 24/7 team of threat hunters and response experts who will act as an extension of your own in-house team to proactively hunt for and validate potential threats and incidents. Fuse machine learning and human expert analysis for improved threat hunting and detection, deeper investigation of alerts and targeted actions to eliminate threats with speed and precision. Plus, benefit from actionable advice for addressing the root cause of recurring incidents to stop the intrusion method being used again.
Free up IT staff to focus on what’s important
Relying on an elite team of external security experts frees up in-house burden, to enable your own IT team to focus on core organisational activities and projects that will make a difference – rather than continuously having to resolve cyber incidents or deal with countless security alerts that could be false positives. Empower your IT team to reclaim time to focus on innovation, and developing new services and processes that could ultimately improve patient care.
Reduce costs in many areas
It’s often cost that prevents an NHS organisation from outsourcing its security, yet many cost-savings can be realised. Experienced threat hunters will constantly be up-to-date with the latest IT security developments, so investments won’t need to be made in training your own IT staff or in hiring your own in-house security experts. Your managed security provider will spread the cost of their technology investments across their entire customer base; you won’t need to make any such investment. Plus, since the chances of attacks succeeding reduce, you in turn reduce the chance of dealing with any expensive repercussions.
See what our customers have to say…
Let’s talk about your security journey
ITHealth works with a number of vendors for managed security services, let’s discuss your specific challenges to find the right solution for you.